🌾These are 2 separate parts of Vero Metaverse with different rewards and purposes!
🌾Vero Garden is web-based, where you can easily access through a web browser, connect your wallet, and doing your daily task of taking care of your Angels every day!
You can earn EXP points and VERO tokens from taking care of Angels!
🌾Vero Business is an APK file where you download and install on your phone, where you complete our mini-game challenges to receive Vero Star Tokens!
By doing these two DApps every day, you will earn enough to level up your Angels and make them stronger!
Vero Business Official Version will be available soon, stay tuned!
🔰RETWEET: https://twitter.com/VeroFarmGames/status/1463058952195772419
#VeroFarm #UfinUk #GameFi #NFTGame